Feather Essence Energetic Healing Anointing Oils
Feather Essence Anointing Oils are highly concentrated, a little goes a long way. They are wonderful to use every day on energy centers, and for supporting body systems. These oils can be added to your bathwater, and to carrier oils for massages, or just for dilution.
A few examples of how anointing oils can be used are: Eagle anointing oil is wonderful on the back of your neck, right under the base of your skull, to protect and strengthen the powerful energy center there. Hummingbird and Flicker are wonderful on the 4th chakra for Heart Center Intentions. Egret oil on the 2nd chakra and womb region, and Hawk on the Solar Plexus and Kidney regions are excellent for balancing the Female and Masculine energetics. Raven is excellent for diving into yourself for deep energetic healing. Owl is excellent for ancestor healing and adding a multidimensional aspect to whatever oil you combine it with. Enjoy!