The Quantum/Infinite Field increases the vibrancy and divine connection of your whole being throughout time and space. When awareness and tools for energetic healing are applied here, the transformation is exponential. Learn to easily follow threads of energies in the 'Web of Life' for accessing more divine connections, transmuting pain into love, and infinite possibilities for healing your energetic systems.
Some Class Energy Topics:
- Source/Love
- The Heart of the Earth and Your Divine Self
- Divine Truth
- Body Systems
- Portals
- Christ Force
- Body System Grids
This intuitive/psychic healing series is designed to teach you how to clear outdated and painful energies, such as; something you are holding for someone else, trauma from childhood, entities in your lineage, and more with intuitive tools. Connection to the Infinite/Quantum Field increases the vibrancy and divine connection of your whole being throughout time and space.
This 6 class series is held every other week from 6:30-8:00pm (Pacific Time). The group class is held on Zoom with class instructions and guided meditations.
Alternatively, there is the option of one-on-one mentorship personalized for you with a one-hour treatment relating to the content of the class, ensuring you embody the teachings deeply.
Click here for more information on Beloved's Eye.
Your Inner Mystic, Class Two
Your Inner Mystic is the second part of Psychic Studies, teaching you how to connect deeper into seeing, feeling, hearing, and knowing your energetic systems and bodies within the reality of the Quantum/Infinite Field. Class energy topics include Source/Love, the Heart of the Earth, Your Inner Beloved, the Divine Masculine, the Divine Feminine, different body systems, and more. You are invited to feel the magic, and increase your joy and radiance through this profound connection.