Holistic Pelvic Care, In Person Treatment
Holistic Pelvic Care, In Person Treatment

Soul Gratitude

Holistic Pelvic Care, In Person Treatment


Hello Soulful One,

Bringing Holistic Pelvic Care (Pelvic Floor and Womb Therapy) in as an offering that has taken 7 years to land. Thankfully, this beautiful womb healing, trauma clearing, and sacred embodiment tool is now a part of my In Person Service.

Giving gratitude to Dr. Carrie Griffin and the California Nursing Board for supporting my nursing license in this expanded and holistic way. This is the kind of medicine I love, and now I can legally support women in an extremely deep way.

Holistic Pelvic Care is designed to address your spiritual, emotional, and physical needs. I also integrate many other healing tools I have learned over the years. We discuss your history and intentions. Then, sacred space is created with drumming and giving gratitude to all areas of support for you. Sound Healing, Energy Healing, CranioSacral Therapy with Oral Release, and Holistic Pelvic Floor Therapy with Internal Vaginal Release are all included to address whatever needs you may have for releasing pain and tension. Know this nurturing space is free of judgement and honors your sovereignty, embodiment, empowerment, and deeper self love. This is a space to receive more of yourself  while releasing old traumas carried for yourself and others.

Tami Lynn Kent is the creator and teacher of Holistic Pelvic Care, and she states "The womb is the doorway where woman have access to spirit at all times, many have closed this doorway for fear, trauma, habit of being in the mental realm, lack of awareness of this potency within, or because this area is primarily associated with pregnancy (so accessed only then and forgotten once a woman gives birth or not attended to if a woman doesn't have a child). The primary goal of Holistic Pelvic Care is to empower a woman to inhabit her pelvic space and occupy her feminine ground physically, energetically, emotionally, and spiritually."

Applications for Holistic Pelvic Care:

  •  To clear pelvic congestion and support pelvic wellness
  •  To facilitate core energy flow and creative wellness
  •  To restore pelvic muscle balance and engagement
  •  To support organ health and alignment (reducing environment for dis/ease)
  •  To alleviate depleted pelvic symptoms
  •  To address pelvic pain and menstrual imbalances
  •  To increase sexual health, libido, and orgasm
  •  To facilitate pelvic connection and proprioception
  •  To encourage self-care and root wisdom
  •  To support transition to menopause and long-term vaginal health
  •  To enhance fertility and support the fertility journey
  •  To prepare for pregnancy
  •  To increase postpartum healing
  •  To heal traumatic or difficult birth and restore birth energy flow/baby bond
  •  To support healing of miscarriage and birth loss
  •  To address the effects of cancer treatment
  •  To heal trauma and restore a wombn's rightful place in her creative center
  •  To decrease core stress and enhance balance
  •  To establish clear energetic boundaries
  •  To create an embodied feminine and authentic masculine

Payment goes through Dr. Carrie Griffin at The Center for New Growth for licensing reasons. In order to secure your appointment, PLEASE VISIT THIS LINK to pay $180. Holistic Pelvic Floor Care treatments are 2 hours in length. To schedule, click on my online calendar or reach out after checking out here for $5, I am also available for questions. Please contact me at:

 nicole@soulgratitude or (707) 498-3404.

Thank you!